Fr. Justin grew up in Richmond, BC, the third of three brothers. Though not raised Catholic, he started going to Mass when he was 13. After a powerful experience of God’s love through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, he felt called to the Holy priesthood at the age of 16.

This site is a collection of my thoughts, musings and homilies.

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Going to Jesus for Healing

During our Sabbath Summer, I’ve tried to focus the homilies on themes connected to rest,…

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Going to Jesus for the Right Reasons

Is it possible to go to Jesus for the wrong reasons?  Annie Ma, who worked for…

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What We Do on Sunday Reveals Our Heart

Years ago, I had a revelation: For months, I was so busy serving people that…

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Gratitude to the Person Who Loves Us

Please follow along, as I read this quotation: “When I am spiritually healthy, nothing bothers me…  When…

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Faith in the Power of Sunday

I have been wanting to give a short Sunday homily for years, and the time…

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Reversal #4: Greater Need to Give Than to Receive

Last November, I was challenged by a leader in the Divine Renovation Network, the group…

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Reversal of Expectations #3: Suffering Is an Opportunity

Two months ago, we talked about how much mercy we’ve received from God during our…

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Reversal of Expectations #2: God’s Judgement Is a Blessing

Today’s homily is about God’s judgment of us at the moment of our deaths.  Do you…

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Reversal of Expectations #1: Nakedness, Shame & Healing

Two years ago, we did a five-part series on theology of the body and began with…

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Why Catholics Can’t Sing

Some of us have heard of this 1990 book Why Catholics Can’t Sing?.  The author, an American…

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God is Our Dad

Here are seven common distorted images of God: Competitor God, Transaction God, Disney God, Dictator…

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How the Holy Spirit Guides Us

Let’s apply what we talked about three weeks ago regarding discernment of spirits.  Today, St. Paul…

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The Gift of Motherhood and a Challenge

North Sentinel Island is 1,700 kilometers southeast of India, on which an indigenous hunter-gatherer tribe has…

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The Blessing of Conscience

Today, let’s talk about the power of conscience.  St. John writes, “By this [love] we will…

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Fathers Laying Down Their Lives

In the past, I’ve been open about my father’s faults and mistakes such that a…

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Who, me? Sharing God’s Mercy

On a scale of 1-5, how much mercy from God the Father have you received…

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Confidence in Jesus’ Infinite Mercy

I still remember a story Fr. Ron Thompson told me over 10 years ago.  Fr. Ron…

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Receiving God’s Joy at the Right Time

Happy Easter, everyone!  The Resurrection of Jesus is our most important celebration and the cause for…

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