Author: frjustinhuang

Preparing for the Upcoming Crisis

I hope you’re all having a blessed Sabbath Summer, finding again the fullness of life in…

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Receiving from Christ’s Treasury

Did you know that, under certain conditions, doing the following can take away some of…

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Making Time for What We Love

Let’s meditate on the truth that we make time for what we love.  This helps to…

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From Bodybuilding to People-Building

Last week, we talked about boasting in the Cross of Christ rather than drawing attention…

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Drawing Attention to Our Bodies

St. Paul today writes: “May I never boast of anything except the Cross of our…

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Why Contraception Hurts Us

We’re going to summarize the key points of theology of the body which we’ve made…

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Language of the Body

As we continue our series on theology of the body, God’s plan for human sexuality,…

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Being Loved the Way God Loves Us

We’re continuing our series on theology of the body, that is, God’s plan for human…

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God Loves Giving Life

We’re continuing our series on theology of the body, that is, God’s plan for human…

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Sexuality is About Self-Giving

As mentioned last week, today begins a series of homilies on theology of the body,…

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