Author: frjustinhuang

The Beauty of Women

Today we’ll begin a series of homilies on femininity and masculinity. The first two Sundays…

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Daniel Mattson

Speaking of seeing Catholicism as great news, when I first read this short article, “Why…

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Don’t Just Read, But Meditate

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Here’s one of my favourite stories about St. Anthony…

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God Wants a Relationship With Us

Merry Christmas, everyone! I say it because there are twelve days of Christmas. A few…

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Put In Love & You Will Draw Out Love

Merry Christmas! It’s great to see everyone. Thanks for coming! I love tennis, and I’ve…

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Ask Questions, Seek Answers, But Don’t Doubt

Nine years ago, I wrote my Master’s thesis on homosexuality. Why did I choose this…

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Dogs Go to Heaven? The Pope Never Said That.

Here’s the full article by Phil Lawler, from a great site, By now I’m…

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Three Tips to be More Joyful

In your family, who’s more joyful, mom or dad? Among your friends, who’s the most…

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Catholicism is Good News!

Is life better as a Catholic or as a non-Catholic? Is life better with Jesus…

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Dealing with Anger & Negative Thoughts

I want to talk about two things today: dealing with anger and dealing with negative…

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