
Who, me? Sharing God’s Mercy

On a scale of 1-5, how much mercy from God the Father have you received…

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Confidence in Jesus’ Infinite Mercy

I still remember a story Fr. Ron Thompson told me over 10 years ago.  Fr. Ron…

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Receiving God’s Joy at the Right Time

Happy Easter, everyone!  The Resurrection of Jesus is our most important celebration and the cause for…

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Big Picture #5: Loving God the Way He Wants

Now that we’ve begun Holy Week, the holiest time of the year, we need to…

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Big Picture #4: Happiness in Friendships & Family

Today, we’re talking about community, and let’s begin with the three kinds of friendship according…

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Big Picture #3: Put on Earth to Serve

The following quote is what God the Father is saying to us today: “You were…

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Big Picture #2: Becoming Like Jesus

Very deep in my heart, I still have a problem with unjust anger.  Months ago, during…

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Big Picture #1: God Offers What’s Most Precious to Him

  The First Reading is about the testing of Abraham, where God asks him to…

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Jesus Saves Us; We Don’t Save Ourselves

Could I ask a question: Do you consider yourself to be a big sinner, an…

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Reaching Out to the Marginalized

Today is the final homily of our four-part pro-life series.  Let’s begin with good news: A…

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