
Believing Means Obeying

Everyone here believe in God? I hope so. You sure? We profess publicly every Sunday…

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Have you ever gotten angry while flying? You leave home late, forget to pack something,…

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Following God in Difficulty

Does everyone remember the Costa Concordia cruise ship that hit some rocks off the coast…

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Healthy Things Grow

Is the following statement true? “Catholics have been taught to seek their religion and to get…

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Learning By Imitation

I want to tell you about the time I met the pope in 2010. It…

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Spiritual Healing is More Important Than Physical Healing

If we had a man here who could work a miracle, who had the gift…

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Free to Do What?

Who’s more free: single people or married people? Who’s more free: those with kids or…

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Apologizing is a Sign of Strength

Did you know: “Men are more likely to develop high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer…

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The Strength of Men

Does everyone remember Chuck Norris facts? They came out a few years ago and my…

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The Beauty of Women

Today we’ll begin a series of homilies on femininity and masculinity. The first two Sundays…

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