Author: frjustinhuang

How to Ask for the Best Gifts

          “At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream…

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Three Ways to Receive Blessings

  Why does it seem that Jesus blesses some people more than others?  A similar question…

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Freedom in Accepting Our Bodies

Let’s talk about the challenge of not accepting our bodies.  All of us have experiences of…

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Seeking the Truth

  Last week, we talked about overcoming the fear of speaking the truth.  Today, the theme…

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Losing the Fear of Speaking the Truth

Let’s talk about speaking the truth, and, at the end, do it in relation to…

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How Real is the Real Presence

There was once a Catholic CIA agent assigned as a courier of intelligence between Baghdad…

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Another Antidote to Taking Ourselves Too Seriously

Two weeks ago, one idea struck a chord with many of us: That we take…

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Four Steps to Explosive Celebrations

When was the last time you had a really good celebration, where you forgot about…

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Life is a Test and Temporary Assignment

“The way you see your life shapes your life” (Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life,…

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Overcoming the Fear of Evangelization

Brett Powell, a Catholic leader in North America and someone I greatly respect, wrote recently,…

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