Author: frjustinhuang

Dealing with Shame

Fr. Mike Schmitz tells a story he heard about a village in Africa.  In the midst…

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A Joy That No One Can Steal

Happy Easter, brothers and sisters!  And a special Happy Easter to all of our guests! God…

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Jesus Gave Everything

In the 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Centre, Robert Small worked on the seventy-second…

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6 Questions to Have Devout Conversations

At our St. Anthony of Padua Leadership Summit on April 13, we talked about having…

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Judging is Wrong, But Sometimes it’s Right

Two stories:  First, aboard the papal plane in 2013, Pope Francis said, in reference to…

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Is Being “Good” Sufficient to Go to Heaven?

“Dear Father Justin:  I was in my Bible study group today when the discussion became…

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Being at Home with God

In 2010, after being in Rome for nine months, I was sent to Taiwan for…

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Making a Commitment to God

Let me tell you about a wonderful person I know.  He never knew God until he…

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Only Jesus Truly Satisfies Us

I had never heard about Marie Kondo until a number of you mentioned her some…

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The Fruit of Adoration

Here’s a look at the Mass attendance in the Archdiocese of Vancouver from 2012 to…

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