Author: frjustinhuang

Seeing the Goodness Around Us

Happy Easter, everyone! Let me ask a question: when you’re depressed or stressed, do you…

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Are We Jesus or Judas?

On the night we blessed the new confessionals, the man who rebuilt them shared his…

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Loving Like Jesus (Being Intentional)

Let’s begin with three stories. 1) When I was sixteen, after my conversion, I started…

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Fresh Starts (Changing Our Bad Habits)

My father had many blessings in life and had many fine qualities, but he also…

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I once had the pleasure of sitting next to a U.S. marine while on a…

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Beauty Leads to God

All of us have people in our lives that we want to help grow and…

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God Deserves Our Praise

Let’s take a quiz to find out if we’re selfish or not, and, if so,…

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Striving for the Greater Gifts!

I have strong reason to believe that many of you suffer from frustration. You know…

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The Bible Transforms Us

A friend of mine once told me that he would reread every now and again…

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Miracles Happen When We’re Open to What Jesus Wants

Here’s a list of things I pray for every day (not in any particular order):…

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