Author: frjustinhuang

Being Friendly At Mass

Can I see a show of hands, please, if you’re a member of this parish?…

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God Makes Scars into Stars

Happy Easter! I’m happy to see everyone, and it’s great to be here. Could I ask…

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Clarity of Purpose

My life is sometimes chaotic, with too many things to do, and I feel too…

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God Loves Us

I’d like to start with a quiz, to see how many people have been paying…

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Believing Means Obeying

Everyone here believe in God? I hope so. You sure? We profess publicly every Sunday…

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Have you ever gotten angry while flying? You leave home late, forget to pack something,…

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“Russell Brand just destroyed porn in one of the most jaw-droppingly awesome rants ever”

Thanks to Jonathon Van Maren and LifeSite News for bringing this video to our attention.…

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Following God in Difficulty

Does everyone remember the Costa Concordia cruise ship that hit some rocks off the coast…

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