Author: frjustinhuang

Jesus Doesn’t Reject Us. We Reject Him

Is everyone aware that some people feel rejected by the Church? It’s usually over issues…

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Should Our Children Be Going to “We Day”?

Malin Jordan, the editor of our local newspaper “The BC Catholic,” wrote a good article…

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Hope You Vote by Saturday!

I hope everyone votes by this Saturday in the municipal elections for BC!  Is it…

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Is Purgatory in the Bible?

Here’s a short, simple, informative article on a popular question posed to Catholics by Bible-believing…

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Justin Bieber’s Mom Produces Pro-life Film

A number of people have recommended this short film to me, including P. Peter Nygren,…

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Visiting My Grandmother’s Cemetery

Today is the anniversary of my maternal grandmother’s death (Betty Navey, or as we called…

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Dancing Seminarians

This great video shows what I believe is some fundraising dinner at the North American…

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Love Must Be Expressed

Last week, I started off with joke, do you mind if I do it again?…

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The Invitation to Heaven (and our refusal?)

I wonder if you’ve heard the joke about the son who didn’t want to go…

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No homily; at a conference!

No homily today as I was at the International Catholic Stewardship Council Conference in Orlando…

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