Author: frjustinhuang

Seeing Into the Future

Over the years, I’ve reminded you how God takes care of us in suffering, but…

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Defeating Spiritual Laziness

Here’s a list of the seven deadly sins: pride, avarice, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and sloth. …

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Reaching Out to the Marginalized

In 2013, Vinicio Riva went to Rome and, during a large papal audience, reached out…

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The Fullness of Life

If you had a magical power to change the world, what would you do (Matthew Kelly, The…

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We Get to Choose Our Anxieties

Believe it or not, we choose some of our anxieties.  That’s because some are based on…

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God’s Call is Clear

One time, when I was 24, I went to see my family doctor.  In the waiting…

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Love, Suffering, Love

    Love, suffering, love.  This is the theme of today’s homily, and it indicates a…

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Begin Again With Equilibrium

Many of us struggle with highs and lows in our lives: When we’re high, we’re…

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Evangelization Helps Us Begin Again

  There’s a popular YouTube channel about exercise and one of the videos is entitled,…

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Begin Again, By Going to the Heart

  Anne was worried about her husband, Mark.  Things were better after he met with a…

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