
Commitment to the Eucharist Gives Stability

Please don’t get too shocked when I tell you the following incident.  One Sunday morning,…

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Benefits of the Eucharist

It’s a funny situation: Some people think they know what I want to hear when…

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The Mass Satisfies Our Spiritual Needs

How many times a year do Catholics have to come to Mass?  54 times: Every Sunday plus…

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Interruptions Can Be Blessings

  Jesus today wants to give us a spiritual skill to deal with one of…

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A Bold Vision for Our Parish

A few years ago, there was a marriage preparation course called God’s Plan for a Joy-filled…

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Can You Handle the (Prophet’s) Truth?

I have a friend who can’t stand this one priest.  Whenever this priest comes up…

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Faith Overcomes Obstacles

The opening question is: What’s one thing in our life we should be doing but…

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Living Out Our R.I.M.

I once read about a kind of depression called “Sunday neurosis.”  It’s when we’re completely busy…

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Christ’s Church is Catholic

We’re going to start with a difficult but real subject, one that some people might…

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Eucharist as a Covenant

Have we ever had to tell someone that they shouldn’t receive Holy Communion at Mass? …

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