
You’re Not the Only One Struggling

Everyone, take a look around, please, and see if you can spot which people in…

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A Contract or a Relationship?

If Pope Francis were to announce that next week, Sunday, September 28, all Catholics around…

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Pride Vs. Humility

I won’t tell you how old I was, but it was in elementary school, when,…

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Do We Want the Truth?

When I was in the seminary in New York, we had a problem with one…

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Thinking of Lies or of the Truth

Jason Evert, an amazing layman and speaker on chastity, said he surveyed a thousand high…

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Jesus Believed in Organized Religion

How many have heard the phrase, “I don’t believe in organized religion”? All of us.…

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Praying with Faith

Here are a three reasons why our prayers are sometimes not answered the way we…

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How to Receive Holy Communion

If a child were about to receive first Holy Communion and asked, “What do I…

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Taking Care of Our Needs

How many of us know how many hours of sleep we need? And how many…

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I Gave Up a Happy Life for a Happier One

Once, during a trip with a buddy of mine, I ran into a young woman…

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