Author: frjustinhuang

Healing Our Relationship with the Church

Happy Feast Day, everyone! This homily is for our family and friends who have left…

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A Clear Conscience

Today we have a great gift. The Novena Committee has purchased a new set of…

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Loving the Eucharist Means Loving Jesus

Do you remember a time when someone made fun of your family? Made fun perhaps…

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Why Does God Allow Suffering (Part 4: Freedom & Self-Determination)

A man once came to me struggling with the problem of suffering. He said he…

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Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Part 3: Eternal Life)

All of us have two options on the following matter: either we’re materialists or believe…

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Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Part 2: God’s Unconditional Love)

Our opening exercise is to think of a time that someone hurt us. It can…

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Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Part 1: Levels of Happiness)

Why does God allow us to suffer? This is one of the most important questions…

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Protection (of Our Wives & Children)

The very first Sunday I was here, a year and a half ago, I experienced…

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Last year, I told you I watched Groundhog Day for the first time. One thing…

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Love Is Outward-Focused

This homily might be hard for some to hear, but it’s necessary, and I promise…

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