
Wanting the Best for Our Children

I know many parents are focused on giving their children every advantage in life. Because…

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Never Giving Up on Anyone

Merry Christmas, everyone! In my family, sometimes when my parents were mad at each other,…

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Knowing Someone’s Name Means You Care

Can you please tell me why some people get frustrated or even mad when I don’t…

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Being Led by Joy

I’d like to start off with two questions. Can I see a show of hands,…

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Being Frustrated with God and Life

Does anyone know Fr. Richard Au of Canadian Martyrs church in Richmond? Father Au is…

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We Only Believe What’s True

Do Catholics believe in aliens? What about evolution? Man-made climate change? Do we believe in…

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Why I Decided I Wanted to Become a Saint, and Why You Should Too

In grade 11, I skipped class so often that, if you add all the days…

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Wanting What God Wants

A young lady once told me, after she broke up with her boyfriend, that a…

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Corrupt Popes

I want to talk about the subject of corrupt popes, because it bothers so many…

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Love Always Challenges Us

Being Catholic sometimes seems inconvenient. When I was 24 years old, I learned that voting…

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