
Can’t Accept God’s Laws? These 3 Ideas Will Help

One thing we try to do here at our parish is to have every homily…

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Do We Expect God to Give Us an Easy Life?

God the Father wants to strengthen our faith today.  But, in order to strengthen it,…

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You Can’t Solve it, You Need a Saviour

Merry Christmas, everyone! Let me tell you about a wonderful person, who, years ago, admitted…

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Why Catholics Believe Mary is Their Mother

For those of you who have children, let me ask: Why do you love your…

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Evangelization = Being Christ for Others

We have a problem: Jesus tells us to evangelize, but we’re resistant.  Even though Jesus,…

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5 Ways to Make Better Confessions

Ever feel like you need a new beginning?  Have you ever messed up so badly…

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4 Ways to Love Jesus In the Poor

Here are some pictures that profoundly impacted the world and touched people’s souls in the…

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God Expects Our Best, No More, No Less

There are two dangers in life that we all face: expecting too much of ourselves…

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We’re Born Good, But Not Virtuous

Dennis Prager, author and talk show host, asks an important philosophical question: “Do you believe…

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What’s Stopping Us from Giving Praise?

There was once a Christian pastor sitting next to a man on a plane.  When…

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